After a foundation course at Cambridge College of Art and technology I studied figurative sculpture at the Sir Henry Doulton School of sculpture in Fenton, Stoke on Trent. The nature of the course allowed me to complement figure work with that of the horse, leading to study periods at veterinary schools in London and Cambridge.
The course was three years in duration with two exhibitions during the second and third years in London and Lichfield respectively.

Capturing the very soul, spirit and life of my subjects are my reasons to sculpt.
Sculpture and drawing are an integral part of my everyday life, as is my love of animals, particularly horses, which have always been my passion.
Time between both public and private commissions is spent focused on horses; their poise, movement and behaviour.
Every piece tells a story, be it from myself, the subject, or the people who commission me.
Committed study, through observations and drawings, assures an affinity with my subjects. Working from drawings and maquettes, I weld and assemble all armatures that support large clay models, engaging with the foundry only when the transition from clay-to-bronze is ready to begin.
Experienced in working to scale, including smaller pieces created as limited editions, I mould the work, producing and preparing a wax copy for casting.